Artikkelnr. AG72553

Sveivepumpe For Adblue

Suitable for For Adblue, water based solutions and petroleum products, this rotary vane pump is _x000D_ constructed with Polypropylene body and tubes, thermoplastic (Ryton) vanes and rotor, viton seals and comes complete with 2¨ BSP adaptor, 3 piece suction tu
1 240,–
eks. mva
1 550,– inkl. mva
Referansenummer VLB1065, 92792081, 5035776628023
Produktgruppe Økonomidel
Internt referansenummer 962635VLB1065
FK nummer 92792081
Kategori Hydraulikk utstyr
Varegruppe Pumpe
Lagerenhet STK
Stock status Bestillingsvare

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