Artikkelnr. AG72659

O-Ring Sett M/Verktøy

O ring assembly kit. Contains lengths of metric and imperial section rubber, cutting and splicing box, special rubber glue, tape measure and cutting knife. Ideally suited for use in workshops and service vans._x000D_ * 1.78mm x 2M_x000D_ * 2mm x 2M_x000D_ * 2.4mm x 2M_x000D_
1 033,–
eks. mva
1 291,25 inkl. mva
O ring assembly kit. Contains lengths of metric and imperial section rubber, cutting and splicing box, special rubber glue, tape measure and cutting knife. Ideally suited for use in workshops and service vans. 1.78mm x 2M 2mm x 2M 2.4mm x 2M
Referansenummer VFE3904, 92791521, 5035776994791
Produktgruppe Økonomidel
Internt referansenummer 962635VFE3904
FK nummer 92791521
Kategori Hydraulikk utstyr
Varegruppe O-ring
Lagerenhet STK
Stock status Bestillingsvare

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